No matter what your job title is, it is important for you to protect yourself and retain the rights to your intellectual property. At this point, an intellectual property lawyer who has lots of experience in this profession at Ogmen & Associates is here to help and let you receive all of the information you need to make an informed decision about your intellectual property and whether you need to pursue patent, copyright or trademark protection. We explain the benefits and implications of each, giving you the facts as you move forward.
There are many different intellectual property-related issues, and, as an entrepreneur, you need to protect your original work. Copyright registration allows you to enforce your rights to your artistic expressions in court. With a copyright, the goal is to protect the expression of ideas, and not necessarily the ideas themselves.
For your trademark and copyright needs please feel free to contact us at +1 (212) 245-7070 or e-mail us at [email protected] or fill out the form below. We will be happy to inform you, help you with your questions and take your first step together through this process.