Do you want to take a touristic trip to the United States? Do you have reservations or question marks about obtaining a tourist visa? How to get a tourist visa? What are the steps to be followed for tourist visa applications? What documents and documents are required? What should be done before applying? What is asked in applications? In short, you can find all the details you wonder about visa applications, the ones that come to your mind, the ones you can’t find the answer to, here.


Before applying for a tourist visa, first check the validity date of your passport and make sure that your passport is at least 6 months longer than the time you plan to stay in the USA. In addition, you must have a photograph taken within the last 6 months and in accordance with certain criteria. After your passport and photo are ready, filling out the DS-160 electronic visa application form completely and completely, uploading the photo to this form, paying the visa application fee of 160 USD (whether by credit card or to a bank branch), making an appointment and determining the PTT branch to which the passport will be sent. required. In addition, visa applicants are required to have an address where they will stay or stay in the USA, which must be specified in the DS-160 form. Applicants who do not fulfill these requirements have to make a new appointment. For this reason, it is useful to fill out your form completely and completely and at least 3 working days before. On the other hand, we recommend that people who want to go to the United States for their summer vacation make their applications early, as the waiting times for appointments at the consulates get longer as the summer months approach !


İlgili Göçmenlik yasaları (INA) turist vizesi için müracaat eden kişilerin mutlaka Amerika dışında ikametlerinin bulunmasını ve ülkelerine olan ailevi, sosyal, kültürel veya ekonomik bağlarının bulunduğunu kanıtlamasını öngörmektedir. Bu sebeple randevunuzdan once; çalışmakta olduğunuz yerden (şirket, kurum vs.) işiniz ile ilgili çalışma yazısı, çalışma belgesi, maaş bordrosu, banka hesaplarınız, hesap cüzdanlarınız, varsa (kendinizin veya aile bireylerinizin) her türlü taşınmazlarınıza ait tapularınız ve bunlara ilişkin belgelerinizi; eğer bir iş sahibiyseniz, yapmakta olduğunuz işe ait belgelerinizi (personel maaş evrakları, kar-zarar bilançosu, ticaret odası kaydı veya şirket kuruluşu ile ilgili ticaret sicili gazetesi, imza sirküleri, vergi beyannameleri ve banka hesap cüzdanları ve şirketinizin finansal durumu ile ilgili diğer belgeler); eğer öğrenciyseniz buna ilişkin öğrenci belgenizi (üniversite öğrencileri veya yeni mezun olmuş kişiler resmi not dökümlerini) mutlaka yanınızda bulundurmanızı öneririz.


Firstly; Before going to your appointment, we recommend that you do not carry electronic devices and belongings such as large bags, cell phones, ipads, ipods, MP3 players, USB and other memory devices with you. None of these are accepted into consulates. Before you go inside, have all your forms and documents ready with you (your passport, DS-160 form confirmation page, address information printout of the PTT branch where your passport will be sent, your photo and other additional documents). These documents will be taken and checked by a consulate employee and you will be given a serial number. Then, with this serial number, you will be called first for fingerprints and then for your interview with the consular officer. All these processes can sometimes take longer than expected, so it would be appropriate to plan your time accordingly.


Your interview will be conducted by a consular officer in English or Turkish, depending on your request, or a consulate employee will assist you with interpreting during your interview. Therefore, it is not important that you do not know English. Consular officers usually look at the personal circumstances of the applicants, their travel plans, their financial situation and their ties to Turkey. When you are called to the interview desk, the reason for going to America, how long you will stay, your relatives or relatives in America, your profession, financial situation and your previous trips abroad, etc. related questions may be asked. Consular officers may not ask you for the documents or documents you brought during your interview, or they may not look at them at all, but considering that they may be requested, it is still useful to have these documents and documents with you.


After your meeting with the consular officer, your passport and the printout of the address information of the PTT branch to which your passport will be sent will remain at the consulate and your visa will be sent to the PTT branch you have previously determined within 5 working days. In some cases, additional documents or forms related to the applications may be requested or additional administrative procedures may be required. In such cases, you will need to send the required documents to the consulate later to obtain a visa or wait for additional administrative procedures. These additional administrative proceedings may take from 1 to 6 months, and therefore, after your application, you may have to wait a few months for these additional procedures, which cannot be expedited.

If you want to come to the United States of America to visit and see, you can contact us and start the necessary procedures for your application. We would also like to state that we are always ready to assist you in this matter.


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