What is the extreme hardship in I-601 and New I-601A Waiver Applications?

What is the extreme hardship in I-601 and New I-601A Waiver Applications?

The extreme hardship is the most important part of the waiver applications. It is critical to determine the extreme hardship to a qualifying relative who can either be a U.S. citizen spouse or parent. Following the list of factors plays role in determining the extreme hardship:
• Health factor – Current Physical and/or Mental condition which receives ongoing treatment
• Financial factor – Losing the life standard, loss of employment, business or home.
• Education factor- Loss of current attendance or an opportunity for higher education.
• Other Considerations factor – This can be anything that is related with your loved one being deported such as separation, have to relocate and possible harms.
If you have any questions regarding I-601 or I-601A Waiver Applications, feel free to reach our Law Firm at +1-212-245-70 70 or [email protected] email address.
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